Guided Cash and Control System™

Here’s what you get in the Guided Cash and Control System™

The Guided Cash and Control System™ is divided into 8 different components

1)     Quick Start CD/DVD

I’ll get you up and running in 30 minutes flat.

With me as your “virtual coach” it will be just like I’m on site with you, coaching your every move as you dive into the Cash and Control System™.

In these 30 minutes, I’ll explain exactly how to apply the Cash and Control System™ to your unique business situation.

I’ll start by giving you an overview to remind you of the key principles of Entrepreneurial Finance which underpin the Cash and Control System™. I’ll detail the Mosaic Approach and key critical elements to prepare you for the subsequent action items enumerated below.

2)     CEO Thought Tool

The CEO Thought Tool begins the process of identifying the true vision of your company and puts you in the driver’s seat to accomplish the goals and put your company on the fast track to manifesting your big vision.

All you need is a quiet place to “talk to yourself” as you address key questions to invigorate your growth-driven mind-set. With this tool, you’ll discover how to:

  • Reveal and reinvigorate your Growth-Driven Mindset
  • Collect the information needed for the Team Discovery Process
  • Schedule a date for your team meeting

In short, I’ll show you how to use this tool to guide you through the questions you need to answer before you bring in your team for the Team Discovery Process.

3)     Team Discovery Manual

With this dynamic workbook, you’ll be able to organize your own Team Discover session and rapidly ascertain your company’s Cloaked Business built upon your unique Economic Building Blocks.

This is the process I likened to the old fable of the six blind men describing an elephant. We need input from key members of your team, representing each department, to provide critical details from their “feel” of parts of your business -- marketing, quality control, finance etc -- to get an accurate composite picture and reveal your Cloaked Business.

Howard’s Schultz’s keen market observation of behavior of customers in café’s in Italy, shared with finance, operations and the other team members, allowed Starbucks to capitalize on the 3rd place magic of their Cloaked Business.

I’ve included a facilitator’s guide to ensure your team session adheres to the proven structure that’s worked for my clients in the past.

4)     Future Road Map

Building upon the inputs of your Team Discovery Process, using this tool, you'll quickly and easily map out your future, including your new ten year financial projections – Your Optimum Growth Strategy.  

The Future Road Map is where you envision a new set of projections based on your Economic Building Blocks and Cloaked Business.

Remember, if you don’t know where you want to be in ten years, you won’t know what direction to take today or tomorrow. Your Optimum Growth Strategy dictates your finance strategy—never the reverse!

In this module, you’ll identify what resources are required as each of your team members gets excited about participating in the big vision and discovers their department’s role to drive value, translated into funding requirements.

No matter what size business you discover is right for you, your Optimum Growth Strategy makes you a magnet for abundant funding -- while preserving your control.

5)     Corporate Resume Translator

Using this unique tool, you’ll convert the vision and 10 year future projections of your Future Road Map, (written for “internal consumption”), into a powerful document I call your Corporate Resume that will communicate to those outside and support you in attracting the widest reach for funding resources you need.

Using this tool, you’ll discover how to effortlessly translate the Optimum Growth Strategy of your Cloaked Business into the language of “investor-ese” so the financial community at large gets an accurate snapshot of your company’s true growth and profit potential.

This is the tool you’ll use to share your vision with key players such as lawyers, accountants, Advisory Board members, and particularly equity sources appropriate to fund your unknown expenses, including Angels, Brain Trust Talent, and Venture Capital Professionals. 

Over the years, I’ve found the Corporate Resume to be one of the most powerful tools on my tool belt because it takes your vision of the future and makes it tangible enough for others to buy!!

Just like a great personal resume can attract a flood of job offers, a great Corporate Resume generates tremendous interest from the resources needed to achieve your Optimum Growth Strategy  – especially equity to fund your Timing Gap – and manifest your vision fast and safely.

6)     Personal Review of Your Corporate Resume

You’ll also get my personal review of your Corporate Resume. Because this tool is so important to your success, I want to be sure it’s done in such a way as to maximize your potential for results.

As I explained, your Corporate Resume is designed for outsiders to “see” your vision described in their language. I’ll act as just such an outsider to make sure you’re getting your message across. However, unlike your average outsider, I’ll offer my candid feedback.

I’ve been on both sides. I’m an entrepreneur with Wall Street experience. I know what each side is looking for. Plus, I bring knowledge gained from my experience working with thousands of companies to help you create the most effective Corporate Resume for your business.

I normally charge $1,500 for this review and rarely do it without a more comprehensive package. However, because it’s such a critical piece of the puzzle and because I’m absolutely committed to your success with The Cash and Control System™, I’m including it with your package at no additional charge.

7)     Mosaic Workbook

With your Corporate Resume – the snapshot of your Optimum Growth Strategy in hand, detailing what funding you require -- you have the instrument you need to convert your biggest vision into a unique currency to get all the cash you need while keeping control.

By following the step-by-step Mosaic Workbook, you’ll quickly learn how to divide and conquer all your financing needs including both credit sources for your ‘known” expenses and equity sources for your Timing Gap (the “unknown" expenses).

The Mosaic workbook helps you decide which funding sources to pursue and even includes word-for-word scripts. It also helps you develop lists of whom to contact and action steps to follow when you make contact.  

Even though this may seem like a huge and complex task, I’ve actually make it very simple for you and easy to do -- just like following a recipe.

There’s an art form to this strategy, and inside the Mosaic Workbook I’ll reveal the exact techniques to make The Mosaic Approach work for your business.

8)     Brain Trust Network

After I approve your Corporate Resume, you’ll be invited to post it in my Brain Trust Link.

When the word got out that I was working with Business Builders like you, Talent with more time than money – what I call the Brain Trust Talent -- came to me looking for businesses in which they could invest.

That gave me a unique resource pool. But having a resource pool of solutions isn’t enough. I had to create an unconventional process to match the right solution with specific company’s needs and wants.

So I reversed the resume flow! Instead of circulating manager resumes for you to consider, I use your Corporate Resume, which details your vision, strengths and issues, for Brain Trust Talent to consider. This way, Brain Trust Talent can play a proactive role by selecting themselves, based on matched visions and talents. I’ve discovered that Brain Trust Talent are only attracted to problems they have the skills to solve.

Uniquely qualified candidates (most of which you probably could not afford at your current growth stage, given their market rate) come to you, willing to take below-market salaries, and other forms of compensation for your consideration. Brain Trust Talent can play many roles including key team members, consultants, advisors, even board members.  

These eight modules provide everything you need to finally locate and secure the growth funding you need… without giving up control of your company.